Wednesday, June 2, 2010

peter schwartz, Objectivism Critique of the Virtue of Selfishness

By Eric Hackenberger

(LifesTyle)The Virtue of Selfishness is a non-fiction (LifesTyle)book written by Ayn Rand that encapsulates the ideas of individualism that are present in her fiction work The Fountainhead and touches upon the themes of proper socio-economic (LifestYle)policy present in Atlas Shrugged.Rand has compiled all of her ideas from her literary works and publications into a complete philosophy called Objectivism. The Virtue of Selfishness is a collection of essays written by Ayn Rand and Nathaniel Branden to explain why mankind needs a new set of values, what those values should be and how they lead to a proper (by Objectivism standards) life of reason, individualism, liberty and freedom.Objectivism Critique of the Virtue of Selfishness